
In accordance with funding organisation and UQAC policies, Master’s and Ph.D. students, post-doctorate fellows, as well as trainees can receive financial support during their residency at CIGELE/INGIVRE. Grants are awarded to those who have achieved academic excellence, particularly in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, chemical engineering, and materials science, as well as mathematics and applied physics.

  - Ph.D. Grants in Polymer/Chemical/Nanomaterials Engineering (New)  

We are looking for highly motivated students to fill several Ph.D. positions in polymer, chemical and materials engineering. These candidates must have a solid training in engineering, nanotechnology, materials science, or related fields. Our research interests focus on the development of smart coatings for applications such as ice-phobicity, anticorrosion, self-cleaning, antibacterial, etc. The CIGELE Nanolaboratory is equipped with a wide range of material deposition and characterisation equipment (PECVD, sputtering, Dip-coating, spin coating, XPS, SEM, AFM, Contact angle, 3D X-ray Microscopy, etc.). Interested candidates should contact Dr. R. JAFARI Send Mail for more details on the current projects.